Mike Galdenzi's Fun Blog

Just for fun

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010 is finally here

And thats not a bad thing. Sure, some people think that 2010 will be the year that the world ends but I beg to differ. For me 2010 will hopefully be the year of change. I know I've said this before, but this time its for real. Here are some ways that I am planning on starting off the year.

First things first, I want to update this blog more. It seems that more and more of my friends are far away. Some friends are beginning to grow and are exploring options in other states and some are even in different countries all together. Of course there is always facebook, skype, myspace, etc... but I think that a blog is something that can be updated periodically and "stored" like a book. Also with this blog I want to start working on my podcast more. If I update it weekly, then I would be thrilled. This somewhat leads me to one of my other plans for the year... that plan is to go to church EVERY sunday. I did pretty good last year, but near the end of it I began to slack. I need to keep God first in my life and trust that in him, all of my lifes problems will be answered and addressed. We can't do it on our own. Going to church helps put things in perspective and gets the week off to a good start.

For January I am not drinking alcohol. I have found in the past few months that alcohol has been the root of several of my problems. Drinking has lead to the demise of more friendships than it has actually contributed to the development of good friends. Alcohol is a social drug and is accepted by the general public, but we often forget that its still a drug. Alcohol is poison. Dictionary dot com defines poison as "a substance with an inherent property that tends to destroy life or impair health." I am taking January as a month of reflection upon my life and am seriously debating the thought of being sober for the rest of my life. As many of you know, I am a Sommelier and have studied wine quite intensively. Giving up drinking would almost factor that part of my life as a waste; but if thats something that I choose to do, I am sure it will be for the best.

Health and fitness have always been two serious interests in my life. 2010 will be a year that I jumpstart that passion in my life. I dont exactly want to be tied down to the gym all the time, there are so many other options to "working out" than just pumping iron. Living in the woodlands, I have the opportunity to explore the forests and lavish trails that are a few minutes away. There is something very rewarding to me about taking a mountain bike path that leads to somewhere I have never been before. Pushing limits like that will make me a better person and help me grow.

Lessons. Yup, one word... lessons. I want to take as many as I can. I would like to learn how to do just about anything. I want to learn how to sing, dance, cook, scuba, fly, play an instrument, etc... If there are lessons for it, I will want to give it a shot. To me, life is there to be lived... getting stuck in a "grind" would be practically the same as dieing.

I would like to go on more trips in 2010. I have never taken a trip alone and am not too sure if I could actually handle it. There are so many places that I want to go and so many things that I want to see; why not make 2010 the year where I check off some of those "bucket" list places. Like I mentioned before, I have friends all around the US and quite a few around the world, this gives me the ability to have a little bit of knoledge before I jump right into the unknown and possibly a place to stay for a night or two. Lookout people reading this... I just might visit you...

Well there you have it. Pretty substantial update for a pretty substantial year; even better is yet to come.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


New plan:

To keep this fun and actually active, I have decided to create a day for my updates. Instead of trying to update this daily or every few days... I figured that it would be much easier for me to pick a day of the week and stick to that. 


There will be some audio updates then (hopefully) and at least some sort of writing. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oct 20th 2009

Well the 20th was quite an eventful night for me. The night started as a somewhat eventful tuesday and ended up being one of the most eventful tuesdays I have ever had. Without really getting into it, I am attempting to learn how to podcast and this is the audio content that I had from the beginning of that night.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Crazy Weekend

Ok... well my little sister was in town the entire weekend and that lead to some crazy good times. Friday we went to a great Brazilian place in the woodlands... I think I ate around 7 lbs of meat. Saturday we made it out to the Renaissance Festival... I drank so much that I got sick and passed out. Sunday was a recovery/homework day. Monday, Michelle's show, "Scream Queens" premiered. The little house party was very fun and relaxing, It was good to see so many people there to cheer on their Favorite. So, yup... thats the weekend in a nutshell. Not in a writing mood, so sorry guys, TTYL

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wine and a Movie - First one on the new TV setup

Well last night a friend and I decided to pick up a movie and a few bottles of wine... the wine, thumbs up, the movie, thumbs down, and the company, always irresistible. 

I am not going to dive too deep into the wine because it was nothing too special. The first was a sparkling white from california (Muscato) and the second was a Gewürztraminer from the same region. Both are typical favorites of the ladies... and me.... "the ladies man" will take a trip away from the reds to please any worthy company. 

The movie was "The Happening"; which stars Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel. The premise is that there is a terrorist virus that causes people to go crazy and essentially make them loose the part of their brain thats hardwired for survival which drives people into mass suicide. Premise sounds pretty cool hua... well actually, that was the best part about it. It was nice to see how they made the senseless self killing unique and not completely zombie like. The best example of this was when a group of people get infected near a large park where there is a patrolling officer nearby. They are all infected so they are all still until they figure out a good method of suicide and then peruse it. The police man shoots himself and drops his gun. The camera pans to another person who just witnessed this, and they then act and move towards the gun to do the same. This process goes on for about 6 people. The camerawork was crafty and really gave you the chills. Either way, the movie is an M. Night Shyamalan movie so you know what to expect... some crazy twist that you never thought about. No spoilers here, I am not going to give too much away just in case you are truly interested. I cant say that the movie was  total bust... but then again its not on my recommended list either. 

Well that was last nights events. The new Plasma looked great while hooked up to the PS3 for the movie (BTW). Check back to share in more of Mikes fun.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

First Post

Hey everyone... This is post #1 of the new blog to follow. You will get to dive deep into whats going on in my life and with the people around me. Hopefully I will update this blog every few nights and you guys will keep coming back for more exciting fun.